On Sunday, history was made. Pelumi Nubi, a travel content creator made history by becoming the first black woman to travel from London to Lagos by road. I stumbled on her page before she started her trip. Although I didn’t follow closely she piqued my interest and I sometimes checked her page. I am what you call a silent supporter; rooting and praying for you without saying a single word.
I was so excited about the buzz that came with her homecoming. She did it against all odds; from border control issues to an accident. I love travelling but a trip like this requires you to be strong-willed.
But I learnt a few things from her adventure that everyone can learn from.
The first thing will be to take a chance on yourself and everyone else will cheer you on along the way. Before Pelumi started her adventure, she pitched to people and brands to partner with her. As expected, a lot of people and brands would have turned down partnering with her for this expedition. Regardless of the hurdles she faced during the planning stage, she still took the chance on herself. 68 days later, everyone has been giving her well deserved flowers.
Take a chance on yourself and everyone else will cheer you on along the way
Another thing would be, uncommon doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Pelumi said the purpose of her adventure was to show the world that “impossible” is just a word but with grit and determination, impossibility can be overlooked. Before she did it, I didn’t know you could travel that route by road. She’s not the first but she made impossible look like just another word.
Uncommon doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
How does this apply to you?
The Lord may have placed a vision on your heart that looks impossible, maybe no one has done it before or nobody seems to support you.
But just like Pelumi, take that a chance on yourself.
You have a supernatural advantage, the one who sent you is backing you up. Trust in God’s word and vision for you. People may cheer you on, but even if they don’t you live for an audience of One. He’s with you.
You have a supernatural advantage, the one who sent you is backing you up. Trust in God’s word and vision for you. People may cheer you on, but even if they don’t you live for an audience of One. He’s with you.
So do your fathers’ bidding in Q2 and beyond.
These are some of the things, I’m telling myself as I clock 23 tomorrow. I hope you are encouraged.
Let me know if this blessed you.
Your Partner in Intentional Living,
P.S. If this blessed you could you share a screenshot of it on your IG stories and tag me? Thank you!!